Popular Questions

Yes, please view lab test packages for more information

You can book a home visit by calling or messaging us on 7045116127 / 7045116917. It is always preferable to book home visits one day in advance.


A doctor’s prescription is advisable for some specialized tests to avoid any confusion or errors. But  a prescription is not mandatory for routine tests or preventive health packages.

Yes, do get in touch with our team on 7045116127 / 7045116917. and they will connect you to the pathologist or microbiologist.

We accept cash, Gpay and all credit/debit cards except American Express.

Yes sips of plain water are acceptable.

As a practice, we WhatsApp or email reports on the registered contact number or email id as soon as they are ready. We therefore request you to make sure you share the same at the time of patient registration.

You are advised to book an appointment for home collection the previous day, to avoid any inconvenience in terms of patient preparation, if any. However, you can walk-in at the lab without an appointment anytime during the working hours.

Softcopy of receipt can be mailed to you on your registered email ID or WhatsApp number. Do make a request for the same at the time of booking the test or billing.